Marketing & Events
Who are we?
To foster community engagement, the Marketing and Events Committee organises events for its active members to get to know each other better. Events are organised throughout Rotterdam and range from social nights, trips, drinks with your professors, and the annual professor awards. The committee consists of enthusiastic students from all years and programs (IBA, BA, and Pre-Master) to cover all interests and be aware of potential academic clashes.
What do we do?
We are responsible for the organizational promotion of SR. At its core, this means strengthening the corporate identity and increasing brand awareness. We do this by effectively communicating on several levels.
Firstly, we use online platforms like Facebook for active and responsive communication with the student body. Effective texts and strong messages need to be created in order to reach a large audience and create an influential impact. Secondly, traditional marketing is executed by means of flyers, posters, and diverse other gadgets.
Another main aspect of SR Marketing is the promotion of events. Events like the Professor Awards and its voting periods, Drinks with your Professor, and other internal events need to be promoted to the outside in order to make these events successful.
Together, the team organizes fun events for all SR members in order to stay in contact with each other and have great time throughout the year. Through brainstorming at team meetings, the committee comes up with fun ideas and creates a plan of execution. Examples of SR events are the annual BBQ, the SR birthday and Drinks with your ProfesSR.
We discussed the possibility of increasing the number of credits for the course, and are pushing the idea to program management. So far, a large number of students have said its their favourite course of the IBA programme until now, and we intend to increase the number of credits to benefit others who take the course!
Join Us
Recruitment takes place in September
SR offers you a wide variety of activities that you can participate in. You can choose to be a Student Representative or a Committee Member – or apply for both! In either case you will work in a close knit team and be able to develop your skills as an intermediary or in the execution of diverse projects.