Representatives collect feedback through various channels and have a personal talk with the respective professor. By doing so, Student Representation builds a good relationship between the student body and the academic staff.
Program Advisory
Our mission is to look after the interests of students through representation on the faculty and university level. We are an intermediary between students and faculty personnel. The SR ensures an exchange of information and feedback between those bodies. This comes to expression in the evaluation, improvement proposals, and guarding of the education quality at RSM Erasmus University, for both the BA and IBA programs.
SR has become a well-respected organization within the Rotterdam School of Management. Students can hand in their feedback for their courses via Social Media, the website, and of course via their student representatives. In 2011, the SR added a new section of representation: Programme Advisory. Students can hand in their feedback regarding more “general” academic procedures, including examination, general studies, and the 7th trimester.
The purpose of Programme Advisory is to improve the program as a whole. The SR changed a lot of course-related topics and improved the quality of the university. In 2015, SR further expanded to represent the minors of the Rotterdam School of Management. SR has also continuously worked on improving its processes, such as its feedback gathering mechanisms.